Most bartenders and doormen in Latin America do not speak English, but most can put together a few words and play a bit charades to communicate the basics. Don’t be afraid to go out if you’re not fluent in
- activo – the role of the “top”
- agua – water (in bars, you’ll need to specify “con gas” if you want it with gas, or “sin gas” without
- bano – bathroom
- barra libre – open bar / free drinks
- boliches – nightclubs
- cerveza – beer
- canilla libre – open bar (see also “barra libre”)
- chupito – a shot of alcohol
- cuánto? – How much? (can also use Cuánto cuesta?)
- cubierto – “cargo por cubierto” – literally “cover charge” (see also “entrada”)
- entrada – entrance fee / cover (see also cubierto)
- passivo – the sexual role of the “bottom”
- sin azucar – sugar free
- sin gelo – without ice (pronounced “seen yeilo”)
- “taxi boys” – male escorts / prostitutes
- tragos – mixed drinks / cocktails